Adults practice yoga for several reasons- flexibility, mindfulness, strength building and stress relief. But these benefits are not just limited to adults,  it extends to kids too. Two benefits of having your kids practice yoga is the enhancement of concentration and development of strength. 

The reason yoga helps enhance a child’s concentration and memory is because they are required to focus on their memorization skills, which directly translates over to their academic performance. 

The development of strength is essential especially in growing and active kids. Yoga helps develop strength and flexibility, this can help reduce their chances of injury during sports or other physical activity.

To get your child started with yoga and experiencing the benefits, begin with these three poses: 

Tree Pose

Stand on one leg, bend the other knee and place in the sole of your foot on your inner thigh or calf. This pose targets balance and strength.

Cobra Pose

Lay on your stomach and place palms flat next to your shoulders, press and life your head and shoulders off the floor. This pose targets to strengthen the spine and stretch the chest, shoulders and abs.

Wide-Legged Forward Bend

Step feet wide apart and place hands on the hips, fold over the legs and place hands, shoulder-width apart, on the floor. This pose is a mild inversion, meaning the head and heart are below the hips, giving your child a sense of calmness.

The Club also offers Aerial Yoga classes for both adults and kids. To learn more about the mind and body class offerings for kids fitness and to schedule a free class, please fill out the form below.