Well-being isn’t a maybe, it is vital. It is a practice. It is on-going and ever-changing. Discover yoga in a world-class sanctuary built with the intention to immerse yourself into your practice.

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Boutique Yoga Studio Experience

This world-class yoga studio is designed to immerse yourself into your practice.

As you enter through 9-ft hand-carved mahogany doors and step softly onto bamboo flooring, you’ll flow through your Vinyasa under the sky-like mural.

A curved stone wall opposite a wall of windows floods the studio of light while a custom-made, glowing medallion at the focal point of the room keeps you centered.

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yoga classes newtown pa
fitness programs

Unlimited Yoga Classes

Welcome to a unique experience where your yoga practice is accompanied with the various fitness amenities and services to provide a well-rounded healthy lifestyle.

We embrace an inspired and diverse practice with yoga classes for whatever your body craves.

We proudly offer 50+ classes per week, from 6am-8:30pm, for all levels and every interest. Each teacher, with their own unique style and expertise, leads you through a variety of studio practices. One-on-one yoga or Pilates training is available for private training programs.

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Aerial Yoga

Hang in, hang on, let go.

Combining the ancient wisdom of yoga with the dynamic power of circus arts Aerial Yoga is at the heart of Newtown Athletic Club’s innovative fitness offerings.

Not only does it enhance your physical health but as well as your mental health. Aerial yoga improves flexibility, builds strength, and alleviates tension.

Newtown Athletic Club is proud to offer a wide range of fitness and wellness services including all levels of Aerial Yoga from beginner to the advanced Aerialist.

Come fly with us and discover all the benefits of Aerial Yoga.

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Aerial Yoga at the Newtown Athletic Club

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