Dance is a great way for individuals to express their creativity and have fun. While someone may love moving around to music just for fun, there are a ton of hidden health benefits to dancing. There are many studies that link dancing to a myriad of benefits such as weight loss, improved memory, flexibility, and more.

NAC Youth Programs Dance Coordinator Amanda Kimble has been a dancer for her entire life. “Dancing is a fun way to stay in shape,” explains Amanda. “It lets you express yourself while working muscle, getting a cardio workout, and improving posture.”

The New England Journal of Medicine also published findings that dancing improves memory and can help to prevent dementia. Scientists have found that over time, parts of the brain shrink with age, which lead to memory loss and sometimes dementia. Individuals who participate in dancing have been found to avoid or lessen this shrinkage.

Finally, dancing can help fight depression and reduce stress. In various studies, individuals who participated in upbeat group dance sessions had improved mood and showed less depression symptoms.

These are just a few of the benefits of making dance a regular part of your life. Here at the Newtown Athletic Club in Bucks County, we have dance classes offered for both adults and children of all ages. Whether you’re looking to find a fun way to stay in shape or have been a dancer for your whole life, there is sure to be the right class for you or your child.


Interested in trying dance classes at the NAC? Sign up for a free trial class today!