Nutrition is just as much a part of your training as your workouts.

If you’ve ever skipped a workout from fatigue or dragged yourself to the NAC feeling tired and just watched the clock for when you can stop, there is a good chance you’ve been a victim of poor nutrition. Without proper fuel before exercise, your body will not work as effectively as you’d like, and your recovery process will be compromised. This creates a domino effect of inefficiency in other areas of your life, including productivity at work and your quality of sleep.

It is a simple analogy, but just like your car won’t run on an empty gas tank, your muscles will not run well on empty either. A simple snack like a ¼ cup of dried fruit and a tall glass of water can do the trick.

Proper and good nutrition is also essential for recovery after your workout. Most people recognize the importance of protein post-workout. Unfortunately though, much of the information in the media and from supplement companies prompts Americans to over-consume protein in low quality forms, and to eat too little carbohydrate, also crucial for recovery. Both carbohydrates and protein should be consumed together with in at most, one hour after exercise. This will maximize not only muscle and joint recovery, but also restore your empty fuel tank so you’re ready for what lies ahead in your day and for your next high intensity workout!


For more information on proper nutrition in supporting your fitness routine, complete the form below to hear from a dietitian!