Studies show that working out together keeps you more accountable and more committed – thus helping you reach your fitness and health goals! No one wants to be the one that bails on a commitment to a workout, especially with our busy lifestyles.

This quick workout with Morgan and Hailey is made for partners pressed for time, while getting your heart rate up and blood flowing:

  • Medicine Ball Squat Throws are great for power as well as strength, using an explosive form of the traditional squat. Doing these with a partner keeps you accountable with reps!
  • Sled Pushes with the weight as your partner will keep them cheering you on – while getting your heart rate up at the same time while exhausting your legs.
  • Burpee Jumps while Partner Holds Plank is incorporating both core and a full-body exercise into one circuit – killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
  • Tire Throws target back, glutes and hamstrings. By the end of the flip, and to a lesser degree you use your biceps, triceps, pectorals and even abdominals.