There are officially 10 days left until the start of the Newtown Gymnastics Club Team 2015-2016 season! There is a lot that gymnasts can do to prepare for the upcoming season and to make sure that they are getting the most out of their weekly practices. Check out our top 10 tips for gymnasts to be successful going into the new season:

1. When training time starts be ready to go: This means arriving a few minutes early to get settled, having your hair properly tied back, and already being dressed for practice.

2. Be sure to stretch properly: Stretching is important to do before any exercise. Taking the time to stretch will increase flexibility, help with blood flow to muscles, and decrease the likeliness for injury.

3. Drink lots of water: Drinking water is the best way to stay hydrated throughout practice and the day. Water has much less sugar than soda and sports drinks like Gatorade, which is much more effective for hydration.

4. Work on conditioning: Conditioning exercises are the main way for gymnasts to build up strength. The stronger you are, the quicker you will learn and gain more skills.

5. Never sacrifice form for skill: While it is a great feeling to finally be able to complete a skill, form is always more important. Doing a skill with improper form is not safe and could result in injury.

6. Process your coaches words, make a valid attempt: Your coaches’ primary goal is to see you succeed. Throughout practice when they offer you feedback and adjustments, stop, take a breath, and then try again taking their advice into consideration.

7. The only way to fail is to not try: As all gymnasts know, it can take hundreds of attempts to fully complete a skill. This can sometimes become frustrating, however as long as you keep trying and trying you can never fail.

8. Doing a skill one time does not mean you have mastered the skill: Gymnastics requires a lot of focus and determination to succeed. You must have many repeated successful attempts to have truly mastered a skill.

9. Pack a healthy mid-practice snack: It is important for gymnasts to bring a snack to keep up their energy throughout practice. Something small and healthy like a banana, cheese stick, or protein bar will be most effective.

10. HAVE FUN!: Come to practice ready to have fun. While there is a lot of focus and determination required for gymnastics, our primary goal is for gymnasts to have fun & grow their love of the sport.

We hope your gymnast is excited to begin the 2015-16 NGC Team season! There is a lot to look forward to this coming year, and we are thrilled to be one of the top Bucks County gymnastics teams.


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For more information on the Newtown Gymnastics Club Team, contact the Gymnastics Team coordinator at or fill out the form below.