Your All-In-One Solution for Safe Prenatal & Postpartum Strength Building

No matter if you are a new mom, expecting mom, or a mom with small children, specialty fitness with a focus on core and pelvic floor health is a must. The Strong Mom Project takes the guess work out of effective and safe prenatal exercise, and prepares and empowers moms with the knowledge and confidence to successfully navigate postpartum healing.

Moms are busy and don’t have time be slowed down by pain, complications from diastasis recti, or symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.

A Workout for Moms in All Stages of Pregnancy & Motherhood

It takes a Village – Build Yours with Friends & Professionals.

Inquire About Program

New to the area? Need mom friends? Your village is right here!

All new and expecting moms deserve to have a support system that helps them feel their best both mentally and physically. The transition into motherhood is such an amazing time, but can also be a vulnerable and confusing one.

Participation addresses a wide range of needs including mental health, support of other moms with similar goals, and referrals to the appropriate local professionals.

About The Program

The Newtown Athletic Club has partnered with The Strong Mom Project to provide a safe and effective specialty fitness program for new and expecting moms.

The Newtown Athletic Club Strong Mom Membership includes both the full Strong Mom Project program, in addition to the full Newtown Athletic Club membership.

The Newtown Athletic Club Strong Mom Membership includes:

  • Full Newtown Athletic Club membership access
  • (2) ‘Group Strong’ Personal Training sessions per week
  • Choose from 7am, 8:15am, or 9:30am time slots with no set commitment to specific days/times
  • 12-week Nutrition for Fitness habit building program by local RD
  • Recommended NAC Group Fitness classes to complement training days
  • Monthly social events – a playdate meetup and moms night out

The below membership types include full Newtown Athletic Club membership, as well as the Strong Mom Program.

Membership Types:

  • Adult Individual (age 30+) $314/month
  • Mid Adult (age 26-29) $260/month
  • Couple $440/month
  • Family $490/month

Additional: 8 group training sessions a month ($130/month)
*3 month commitment required for all membership types

Current Schedule: (pick from any 2 per week)

  • Monday, Wednesday & Friday | 7am
  • Tuesday & Thursday | 8:15am
  • Monday-Friday | 9:30am

Location: Newtown Sports & Events Center (located on the NAC campus)
*Far entrance when you enter the parking lot

As a member you are able to use the Kids Club while you attend a Strong Mom session, or you can bring your baby/toddler with you.

Request Information

Strong Mom Trainer & Coach – Krista Williams, CPT

“I’ve been a personal trainer in Newtown, PA specializing in prenatal and postnatal exercise for more than 15 years. My passion is helping moms navigate safe prenatal exercise, and rebuild a solid foundation postpartum. I focus on educating moms-to-be on preserving their core and pelvic floor and setting them up for pain free healing, allowing them to return to any type of exercise they love and feel great doing it. I’m also known for the community of professionals that I’ve built to support clients with every possible need that arises.

Both of my sons were delivered via c-section, and my doctors were excellent. However, while pregnant with my first I kept hearing things like ‘do what you’ve always done,’ or ‘just listen to your body.’ Luckily, I knew how to scale my own exercise as pregnancy progressed, but those vague directions were confusing!

Then, at my 6-week postpartum appointment – with a sore incision, mastitis, and hormones that didn’t know which way was up – I was told I was ‘cleared to resume normal activity without restrictions.’ Yikes! That sounded awful! I was no where near ready and I knew I had a LOT of rehabbing to do first.

There were so many prenatal appointments to attend, and so many newborn appointments for my son, but THIS would be the only postnatal one and THIS would be the only guidance I would receive? I knew better than to take that ‘without restrictions’ line seriously, but I couldn’t stop thinking about every other women who didn’t. It’s no wonder most women do nothing to promote healing of their core and pelvic floor in the first 6 weeks postpartum.

It’s no wonder so many women return to exercise too soon and do too much. It’s no wonder back pain, pelvic floor dysfunction, and diastasis recti are made worse! I decided right then that I would put my best effort into educating moms on their recovery so maybe one day I would stop hearing ‘I wish someone had told me’ from moms who were 10 days, 10 months, and even 10 years postpartum. When you know better you do better!”

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