Become a student of the American Red Cross, while obtaining life-saving knowledge and skills designed to keep you prepared in the event of an emergency, with all the latest health and safety training techniques and certification programs. All safety training and certifications offered at The Club, in the categories listed, are through the American Red Cross.
We offer comprehensive courses including Lifeguarding, CPR, Babysitting and Basic Life Support, incorporating all of the most up-to-date emergency practices in the United States today.
Certification Courses
No courses are available at this time.
- To register for a certification course, please fill out the form below or contact
- Certification courses are open to the community and non-members.
- Please note: In-person attendance is mandatory to pass the course.
View additional certification course dates here.
Provides entry-level participants ages 15 & older the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over. Minimum age: 15 years.
The prerequisite skills evaluation will occur on the first day of class. Please note: 7 hours of online training must be completed prior to the first day of class.
Prerequisites: Swim 300 yards continuously; Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs; Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds by starting in the water, swimming 20 yards, surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object, return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point, exit the water without using steps or a ladder.
Certification Requirements: To successfully complete the course, you must attend the entire course, participate in all skill sessions/drills, activities and scenarios, demonstrate competency in all required skills and scenarios, and pass the final written exams with a minimum grade of 80 percent.
Certifications: Participants who successfully complete the Lifeguarding course receive an American Red Cross certificate for Lifeguarding/First Aid/CPR/AED, valid for 2 years.
This course is open to the community and non-members.
Cost: $280 members, $350 general public
This course re-certifies current lifeguards in Lifeguarding/CPR/First Aid/AED, valid for two years. Lifeguards must have a certification that is current or expires no more than thirty days before the class date. Students should be prepared to complete the same pre-requisites required in the full lifeguarding course.
This course is open to the community and non-members.
Cost: $200 members, $250 general public
This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants and meets OSHA/workplace requirements. This is a blended learning course including an online portion and an instructor-led classroom skill session.
This course is open to the community and non-members.
The Basic Life Support (BLS) course provides healthcare providers and public safety professionals the knowledge and skills necessary to respond to breathing and cardiac emergencies in adult, child and infant patients. Consistent with the 2015 AHA Guidelines for CPR/ECC, BLS is the foundational CPR/AED program typically required for healthcare providers and public safety professionals. Through the use of lecture, skills demonstration, practice and case-based emergency response scenarios with a focus on team-based response, BLS builds the key critical thinking, problem solving, and team dynamic skills that are needed to drive better patient outcomes. Upon successful completion of the course, learners will receive a 2-year Basic Life Support digital certificate with anytime, anywhere access to certificate and training history. The online portion of the BLS course features adaptive learning technology which offers a personalized learning experience for participants. Participants must successfully complete the online portion of the course before attending the in-person skills session.
This course is open to the community and non-members.
This course provides youth, ages 11-15, who are planning to babysit with the knowledge & skills necessary to safely and responsibly give care for children and infants. This training will help participants to develop leadership skills; learn how to develop a babysitting business, keep themselves and others safe and help children behave; and learn about basic child care and first aid.
This course is open to the community and non-members.
Cost: $120 members, $150 general public
Sign Up For A Course

Water Safety & Swim Policy
To ensure a safe swimming experience for all families, our indoor and outdoor swim policy is as follows. All children age 12 or younger are required to pass a swim test to swim on their own in our indoor and outdoor pools.
Seasonally, swim tests take place everyday in the deep end of Escape Resort family pool at 9am and 12pm.
To pass the test, you must swim the entire width of Escape Resort zero-entry family pool (50 ft.) without touching the bottom or side of the pool.
Please Note: Passing the test means you won’t have to take it again.
After passing the test, your child will be given a designated colored NAC swim band to be worn at all times in and around the pool.
Any child (of any age) who does not pass the swim test will be required to wear a U.S. Coast Guard approved life vest OR stay in the shallow section of the pool only, within arms reach of a parent or guardian.
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) Approved Life Vests can be brought to the indoor and outdoor pools, or borrowed at the NAC Swim Shop.
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