We have named our $12-15 million, 45,000 sq foot renovation/expansion Breaking Boundaries. We have chosen this name because we are literally breaking boundaries by physically tearing down the walls of our club to create an even more amazing member experience for you.
We are also breaking the boundaries of anything our industry has done to date by creating brand new boutique style group exercise studios, completely redoing and expanding the adult locker rooms, relocating and redesigning Six Zone to be located adjacent to the Fitness Center, re-configuring the Salon and Spa to be located on the first level – offering the style, status and amenities of a five star resort, adding a 6,000 sq ft Wellness Center and redesigning the entrance and the NACafe to offer more space and the feel of a fuller service restaurant experience.
As the third largest individually owned single property health club in the nation, we are breaking the boundaries of everything you thought a health club was by becoming the ultimate lifestyle club.
After completion, every single inch of the NAC will have been, redesigned, re-purposed, renewed, renovated and expanded upon.

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